Wednesday, January 14, 2009

aDe-aDe Je KoRaNg Nie TaU...

Aku telah di 'tag' oleh si Cat..ko nang sengaja tau..mentang2 ler aku malas nak update blog kan..ok, let's take a look at the questions below...(bahasa yg digunakan adalah Melayu Sarawak-kalo korang x paham kena gak baca sampai paham...hehehehe)


Soalan tok ada duak bahagian. Duak-duak bahagian ya subjektif. So, kitak orang sik ada pilihan jawapan a, b, c atau d. Semua jawapan sik perlulah mok diurei panjang lebar gilak. Jum kita mula menjawab! ;) 

ada part 1 and part part 2 plak dah..sajer jer tau!!!

Part 1
1. Kitak ada rahsia sik?
Ada,byk gilak sampe sik ingat gik apa rahsia nya..hehehehe

2. Kitak mok bergerek dengan lelaki yang mudak dari umo kitakkah?
Boleh jak,age is juz a number. Mun nya mature, why not...

3. Kitak sukakah pergi kolej?
Kolej kediaman ka apa?dah nang stay d kolej tuk..nang bez d uni..freedom pun sempoi..huahuahua

4. Pa polah kitak mun da duit sejuta?
apahal ada soalan cik halimah citok..hmmm..mun ada sejuta tang simpan jak,kelak nya beranak-pinak..kaya aku,aku kaya..

5. Adakah kitak sanggup bercinta dengan kawan kitak pun?

kmk lebih suka kawan lok before bergerek ngan org ia tp kmk x suka bergerek ngan kawan's better to lose a boyfriend than losing a buddy..ada faham ka?????

6. Nak ni lebih bagus, rasa dicintaikah atau mencintai orang?
kita akan mencintai bila rasa diri dicintai...

7. Lima igek lagu kesukaan kitak:
lagu-lagu pilihan ku adalah....

  1. Beyonce-If I Were A Boy
  2. Britney Spears-Womaniser
  3. Jason Mraz-Wordplay
  4. Jason Mraz-Lucky
  5. Colbie Caillat-Oxygen
8. Mun orang nak disuka kitak ya dah ada urang lain, apa akan kitak polah?
tang carik jak org laen

9. Limak igek rancangan TV paling kitak suka:

  1. Puaka Nyang Rapik(scary beb)
  2. Doraemon(sampai kinek maseh suka nangga)
  3. Racheal Ray's Show
  4. Buletin Utama
  5. Dokumentari
10. Kitak ada apa-apa yang disesalkan dalam idup?
ada..but then the experiences makes us wiser and we learn from the err is human anyway...

11. Kitak akan jadi macam kitak kinek tokkah mun kitak (kononnya) dilahirkan semula?
hmmmm....maybe yes, maybe not.ia kena tgu kmk d lahirkan semula lok..huahuahua

12. Apa wish yang kitak maok masa tok?

mok duit elaun cepat2 masuk..hehehe

13. Kitak rasa apa jenis insan yang tagged kitak ya?
Cat..nama pun bukan org,kucing..hehehe..manja2 tp ganas..walaupun ganas,hatinya bait..kan cat kan...saaaaaaaaayyyyyyaaaaaaaanggg cat..

14. Mun diberik pilihan, kitak sanggupkah jadi "bujang tapi kaya" atau sanggup "berkahwin tapi idup miskin"?
belum abis gik soalan tuk..huh..hmmmm mestilah aku mok idup sederhana..x mok kaya gilak,x mok miskin..yang sedang2 saja deh..

15. Apa kaler kesukaan kitak?
merah semestinya..merah itu cantik,menarik dan seksi.hitam juak n dark blue..

16. Kitak sanggup berkorbankah demi sebuah hubungan?
berkorban benda yg rasional..why not..

17. Munlah kitak jatuh cinta ngan duak orang sekaligus, nak ne dipilih kitak?
aduh..pening2...dua2 ia suka kmk x..hmmmmmmmmm

18. Tiga igek perkara yang teringin kitak mok polah tapi sik dapat-dapat?
- kuruskan badan kmk yg chubby ini
- mok belajar swimming
- mok menggaris ngan lurus..mala jak fail

19. Sapa mangsa tagged kitak yang seterusnya? (tapi jawab soalan nak debah ya berkenaan Sarawak)....
saper ekk..Olivia,Pamela(idup x blog kau?),Zaq 

Part 2
1. Kitak orang Sarawakkah? Belah ney?
x..aku org kelate..penah study d kuching

2. Apa jenis bahasa Sarawak yang kitak pandei berkelaka?
jenis2 nya adalah Melayu Sarawak jer..hehehe

3. Rasa-rasa kitak, ada berapa kaum di Sarawak tok?
menurut firasat aku,ada lebih kurang 40 suku kaum etnik d Sarawak..betul x?

4. Apa makanan di Sarawak paling kitak suka?
Aku suka Laksa Sarawak, Mi Kolok, Buah Dabai, Buah Engkalak, Umai

5. Pernah makan manok pansoh sik?
Lom penah..sedih nyer

6. Pernah makan linut sik??
yg ni penah..masa kat maktab..mula2 pelik sket rasanya..melekat semacam..dah coba nang nyamannn...hehehhe

7. Pernah makan ulat mulong sik?
ermmmm...xpenah.kazen ku ckp rasa macam telur..

8. Pernah ngabang di rumah panjang sik?
hehehhe..Sarawak Culture Village

9. Bahagian ney gik di Sarawak yang belum kitak sampei?
Semua kecuali Kuching, Bau, Serikin,Sri Aman,Padawan

10. Mun diberik pilihan, di daerah or bandar ne kitak mok diam di Sarawak tok dan kenak?
x tauk la kmk ko,tang pegi jak survey semua tmpat lok..hehehe

11. Pada pendapat kitak apa kelebihan Sarawak tok berbanding ngan Semenanjong?
Every place is sarawak nang unik tang etnik nya, culture's a place like no other

12. Kitak rasa apa kekurangan Sarawak berbanding ngan Semenanjong?
kmk xda sia...huahuahhua

13. Apakah perkara or benda yang sinonim dengan Sarawak, maksudnya bila sebut jak perkara or benda ya terus orang akan teringat Sarawak?
Laksa Sarawak,ayam pansuh,rumah panjang,Kucing Besar,Terubuk Masin,Umai, Lada Hitam,Tikar,Pasu Sarawak..banyak lagi la

14. Apa komen kitak terhadap orang yang tagged kitak ya?
ko tak baik tau..lenguh jari aku menaip k..

15. Sapa mangsa tagged kitak seterusnya? (minimum 3 orang)
org yg bertuah itu adalah...miss olivia, miss pamela n miss zaqiah..jawab jgn x jawab k..
(dah kena tag tue, trus ler copy soalan2 yg berjela2 ni ke blog u alls k)
selamat menjawab..saperla yg mulakan benda nih..cissssss

Saturday, January 3, 2009

jUz My ThOuGhTs...

as the title suggested, the entry written in this blog is totally about my thoughts. what i feel about life which may concern people around me, my feelings and places that i go..
people may notice the inconsistency of the languages that i used in my writings..this is because i write in whatever language that i feel i'm comfortable with at the moment of if at that time, i'm thinking in Malay, i will write in Malay and that is also the case in English..
hope you all enjoy the reading.. (",)

jOm JaLaN-jAlAn

bile aku baca balik my last entry, ciss aperla aku merapu-rapu kat korang..hehehe
well then, here is the supposedly to be the entry for the 2nd january..
firstly,aku rasa ada bufday someone aku xigt la sape..sape ekk...aku bab2 mengingat date nih mmg la lelembap nyer..xkirala sape pun, ellyshallphie want to wish you a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY..
 since 2nd january falls on everyone is at home..well, it is a rule in the family that friday is the family day n we usually hang out together on that we are all heading out to the town..the weather is not that good..coz it's raining occasionally with a strong wind that can almost blow you away..we hurrily went inside the Billion, one of the used-to-be a famous hang out place. why do i said this?because it is very crowded before, but after the building of the malls, it is rather empty..amid this, the place is still a choice for the towners to shop as there are many boutiques selling fasionable attires suitable for all people. besides, Billion also offers the deli that serves yummy pastry..hehehe..there is also a bowling centre there but it is under renovation right now..

Billion, KB

after approximately 3 hours there, we go to centre of kb town..the road is very pack with vehicle since it is friday and maybe people want to do last minute shopping for the school opening on sunday..two of my bros are going back on the third so they need some stuff from the we are heading there..upon arrival..there are already a very long queue at the's a must that you will brush into other people's shoulder dad, knowing that my dad does not like a crowded place, so my bros and mum make a quick grab of the stuff..there are two baskets full of took less than 20 minutes for them to get the items needed and then they quickly queue at the counter.since it's very crowded,i decided to stay i wandering around and see a stall selling baked cashewnuts..this is my mom and i fave i buy a packet, and start munching the nut while waiting for the others tooks almost half an hour for my mom to queue..why not they open a mydin mall like  the one in terengganu?it will be more comfortable for the customer to purchase the items there and surely they will also gain a lot of profit..
then, it's the time to find an we list down which place to go..then my dad suggesting to eat the steam rice..everyone is we go to Berek 12 where one of the famous steam rice restaurant is called Nasi Kukus Zakini.besides famous of their steam rice and spicy fried chicken, the restaurant also serves steamboat, and colek buah. i haven't try these yet but looking at the customers there, i guess there are quite good. the restaurant is also very pack of customers and does not have a single table to spare us so we juz take it away and eat at home..

nasi kukus

well, that's a friday for my family..if it's not raining we will usually went picnicking at the waterfall or having a camp at the beach...feeling sad already coz need to go back to ukm..huhuhu

Friday, January 2, 2009

mAe FiRsT dAy oF 2009

this entry should be uploaded on the 1st january but unfortunately i'm a little bit busy and only have some spare time let's here my story of the first day in this new year..

since the day was windy and cloudy, i felt very lazy to wake i juz 'bergolek' atas katil with my little sister and reading the newspaper.bile rasa dah lama sangat terbungkang atas katil barulah aku bangun..hehehe..tu pun bila terbau my mum punya masakan yang sangat la mulala aku turun ke dapur..rupenyer bau yang bez itu datang dari ayam masak ginger..ceh..patutla sodap baunyer..perut dah lapar giler kan,so x sempat2 dah nak masak veggie..straight away aku nak terkam joe plak jadi mangsa memetik ulam raja n pegaga at the backyard..lepas santap, ada pulak dessert..buah durian belanda..wahhhhh mmg bez..i really like the fruit especially bila dah disimpan dalam peti sejuk..bila masuk mulut jer..huh..rasa nyaman sgt..u shud try k

bila perut sudah kenyang, mulala nak mengular sawakan..hehehe..belek punya belek surat2 adala satu surat pasal fogging..from 5.30 - 8 pm.sejak aher2 ni slalu jer petugas jabatan kesihatan dtg fogging kat residential mesti ader yg kena denggi lagi..until today, i heard that da 5 org kena denggi kat kawasan rumah ni termasukla joe n angah yg kena denggi last week. i will talk abt it in my next entry alrite..

at night my dad bercerita pasal Puteri Gunung Ledang punya is told by my late grandma to my dad. do u want to knw the story?ceritanya begini..pada suatu hari, ada seorang lelaki yang mengembara di hutan mencari damar dan rotan (org dulu2 mmg susah,so salah satu mata pencarian mereka adalah dengan menjual damar dan rotan)..bila dah penat mengembara, lelaki ni berhenti di suatu tempat untuk berehat..memandangkan hari pun dah hampir gelap, lelaki ni pun cuba mendirikan unggun api..tiba2 saja dia terdengar bunyi derapan tapak kaki..tup tap tup tap semakin lama semakin mengghampiri.lelaki ini mula merasa takut tapi dikuatkan juga hatinya.dia tidak mengendahkan bunyi tadi dan truskan jugak menghidupkan api..bunyi tapak kaki tu makin dekat dan tiba2 muncul seorang nenek tua bertongkat di hadapan lelaki tadi..nenek tua tu bertanya, " cu, cucu buat apa tu?" lelaki tu terkejut besar, tp beranikan juga diri menjawab pertanyaan nenek tua tu.."saya nak hidupkan api, nek.hari dah nak malam".nenek tu pun berkata," tak payah lah cu hidupkan api,marilah ikut nenek.bermalamlah dirumah nenek malam ni'. Lelaki tadi punyalah takut dengar nenek tua tu offer macam tu.mulala dia rasa takut tp memandangkan nenek tua itu dah ajak, nak tak nak terpaksa jugak dia ikut.lelaki tadi setuju dan mengikut tanpa soal nenek td.dia meredah hutan dan semak samun sehinggalah dia sampai di kaki bukit.di situ terdapat tangga yang sangat tinggi menuju ke atas.bayangkan nenek yang berbongkok dan bertongkat boleh daki tangga yang setinggi bukit ngan x semput pun..lelaki tadi dah mula kecut tp ikut jgk, bimbang ada apa2 jadi pada dirinya.setelah penat mendaki,akhirnya sampailah nenek tua dan lelaki tadi di sebuah kawasan yang sangat lapang..ada sebuah rumah di situ..(my dad cakap umah tu sama cam mitos PGL, beratapkan rambut dan berdindingkan tulang). selepas mandi dan diberikan makan, lelaki tadi pun tido.keesokkan harinya, lelaki tadi terkejut dari tido apabila tebau bauan yang sangat harum.dia menjadi pelik kerana melihat 7 org perempuan yg sgt cantik rupa parasnya.nenek yg membawanya semalam tdk kelihatan.dia bertanya kepada salah seorang daripada 7 perempuan itu di mana nenek tua semalam..kemudian perempuan cantik itu menjawab,sayalah orang nya..lelaki tadi pun hairan..macammana nenek yg tua boleh berubah jadi perempuan cantik..kemudian perempaun cantik itu explain yg usia mereka bergantung pada peredaran masa.ketika pagi menjadi jelita..tetapi beransur tua apabila waktu kian berlalu..lelaki tadi pula begitu asyik dengan keindahan di tempat baru tu sampai terlupa ttg tujuan asalnya dtg ke hutan hingga di tanya oleh perempuan itu."kamu tidak mahu balik ke tmp asal kamu?" lelaki itu teringat kembali dan sungguh2 mahu pulang jadi perempuan tadi menyuruh lelaki tu mengambil sebiji batu dr mata tangga yg dinaiki nya dulu. setelah itu perempuan itu menghantar lelaki td pulang ke tempat asal mereka bertemu. org kampung jenuh mencari, tapi tak berjmpa.satu hari, lelaki tu balik dan satu kampung riuh. org x putus2 dtg ke rumah lelaki td.hairan, lelaki itu teringat ttg batu yg dibawa balik dr Gunung Ledang.bila diletakkan batu td di dalam batang pokok, penuh burung dtg ke pokok.jadi, itulah hikmat batu dr anak tangga Gunung Ledang..lelaki tadi x pernah kesunyian lagi dan x perlu mencari rotan n damar lagi kerana apa juga kerja yg dilakukan menjadi..

panjang x cita nih?xtaula korang rasa bez ke my dad cita mmg bez..xtaula betul ke tidak..up to u all la k..ada byk lagi cita pasal GL nih actually tp malasla aku nak yg aku tau air terjun GL mmg bez..harus u all pegi..hehehehe
that's the story of my first day of new year..what about you?


Wednesday, December 31, 2008

WeLcOmE tO ThE yEaR 2009!!!

Happy New Year 2009 everyone..wishing the new year will bring much more happiness and success to us all..i don't feel an inch of hesitation of leaving 2008 as it has brings so much joy to me. i met a lot of new people, learnt many new things and gained lots of experiences. the memories will always be kept close to me my heart. 
this new year will mark a new change in my life..i will turn 24 and will be starting to have my own away from family and starting my own will that be.let us wait and see..and perhaps this new year will rest with my engagement or even a marriage...hehehehe..still early to talk about it but one thing for sure is that something will happened in september or october..thinking of it makes me chill already..
well,enough with the saying and let's enjoy the new year with a new perspective of resolution? lose weight and be rich.. yeah..
well, i will be leaving my hometown on the 5th of jan. so, there's still a couple of days to spend with my family before heading back to ukm..i want to use the remaining days to manja2 with my mom and dad, quarrelling with my bros n sis..hehehe..
hopefully, this new year, i will be more diligent to update my blog..should put this in my resolution too..
to readers and dear friends.. HAPPY NEW YEAR 2009 from ellyshallphie

Saturday, August 23, 2008

MeReLy WrItiNg..

saturday is the day to relax and clearing my mind from the hectic of the long week..but this week is a rather short for me..that's becoz i went was out of was last thursday and i was feeling sooo homesick that i decided to browse the pics of my family..i'm calling all my siblings and my parents and i thought i must go home..soo the next day i bought the ticket and off to kota bharu on monday..even though it just for 3 days it's worthy..coz i'm surrounded with love and comfort of the family..
we chill out together..went out..having big family dinner..watching movies together..these are pleasant events for me..realising how we all have grown up and everyone is so busy, so we decided to make any holiday that we have a memorable that when we go back to our study we will always remember it until we meet again for the next holiday..

mae bro zainul

also mae bro fakar aka joe

mae youngest bro fiqree

mae one and only sis - syafiqah

so the sweet short holiday still lingers on me now but i have to start working..really have to..there's a thesis waiting on the line plus the mid term and the melta i have to work on..yeah..tyme to be bookworm again..reading is sickening when u have to read for purpose..but no choice..i like it or not i have to read..or else i will die..
but today i juz want to relax..watching tv and running the gilmore girls on comp..and read a novel..tomorrow i will start working..hopefully..
well till then, adieu

Monday, August 4, 2008

tHe LoNg UNtOLd StOrY

August is already there is about 4 months to end the year..still there are a lot of items in my list that is hasn't yet fulfill..hmmm..will i have enough time??i quite doubt about it but really there's nothing impossible in this life,rite... I know i haven't write for a few months..i'm soooooo lazy to update..hehehe..but now i'm back..and i will try to update this every day..hopefully i will have the willpower or volition to do this thing.. My life so far is at the good level..i am surrounded by love of my family,frens n my jijie..these are the basic elements that uphold my spirit to keep going on day by day..surely,i'll do everything for them let's start with the day..some people may have the Monday blues but i don't have to feel it..why??because i don't have any class on what i do today is i wake up late..around 12.30pm..laziying in bed is sooooo nice..then, watching the tv..well, no prog in particular..juz merely watching..i forget to inform that i'm fasting no lunch.then i watch a japanese serie called team medical's a nice story..about how a team of surgeon struggle to save the patience's life related to heart of the actor is from the Gokusen 2. the fans will now who the character is then i'm cooking the potato soup for my's very nice esp when it is hot..yummy.. so that's my MOnday..a very leasure day..and i love to be like this.. however, it will not ends the same for the rest of the week..i have a presentation this i really have to start working..or else die!!! hmmm..i better start working now..catch u guys later..take care for noww